Welcome to the forefront of innovation with Macro IoT Solution’s groundbreaking “Top Sensor Project.” In this era of technological advancement, harness the power of sensor technology to revolutionize data collection and analysis.
Systems Engineering-based Model Development:
Application to Predictive Simulation of a Net-zero Home:
Building design has grown increasingly sophisticated throughout the decades. In recent years, assessments of building performance and sustainability has grown in popularity as the U.S. Green Building Council published LEED certifications for new and existing constructs.
The LEED rating system utilizes standards made by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) for areas in thermal comfort, air quality, energy building performance, and heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) operation.
Energy building performance has a more overarching role in this rating as the other three standards play into the overall loads associated with any building. Submittal of energy performance building reports for construction design and green building rating systems is becoming more common as building performance assessment software becomes more widely available.
The University of Maryland currently is a participant in the Solar Decathlon intercollegiate competition sponsored by the Department of Energy. The University of Maryland’s react team is working to construct a net-zero solar powered house for judging in Denver, CO in October 2017. Concurrently with the housing design, a substantial effort was put into assessing the projected building performance to aid in the design process and to set the stage for model-based home automation.
While software such as Open Studio and BEOPT are available and were used for year-averaged performance reports, a physically based model of the house was built from scratch to serve as a real-time simulation of virtual versions of react located in College Park, MD and Denver, CO and is described in detail as the Virtual House.
The overall system design of the Virtual House can be described as a general set of inputs, dynamic simulation, and output of overall profiles. Inputs for the system include geometric design of the house, specified materials, schedules, daily weather data, and solar irradiance. Dynamic simulation refers to a simultaneous integration of both independent and dependent fluctuating loads upon the time of day regarding both heat and power balances. Finally, outputs showcase heat and power profiles throughout a day.
The bulk of analysis of inputs and simulation has been rooted in fundamental calculations. In terms of future work, outputs coming from the Virtual House are currently being stored and are now looking towards validation with measured sensor data. As of now react is not in construction phase and measured data is unavailable.
In order to validate the Virtual House, there are current plans to outfit the previous Solar Decathlon 2007 entry LEAF house with sensors. With this, measured and simulated data can be assessed after modifying the current Virtual House model for LEAF house specific inputs. Ultimately, work will be transitioned back to react as it is built with Solar Decathlon 2017 in mind.
The framework for simulation has been developed, in which now any set of inputs can be used to generate reports. As noted last in the previous chapter, a goal is to compare the current simulation with actual data. Since react has not been built yet, there are plans to instead make use of the existing Solar Decathlon entry, LEAF house as a test case scenario. While the model itself would need input from LEAF house’s designed parameters, actual performance from the building would have to be derived from data taken by sensors.
The current virtual house model in use will be updated with parameters specific to the LEAF house. With these products considered, it is important to note the handling and ideal locations of these products. After acquirement of these products, proper setup must be done for these sensors to provide meaningful data. Because of the relatively unknown reliability and actual performance of these products, it will also be good to compare its outputs with that expected from the Virtual House.
As stressed before, the overall vision of this work is not to recreate the efforts already made by ASHRAE’s updated DOE-2 model (Energy Plus) throughout the decades.
The amount of detail and complex algorithms in there require much more detailed work and research to confirm and code. Furthermore, although the amount of sophisticated design and considered parameters may provide a more accurate depiction of the average performance for the house, the overall simulation requires at least a full set of yearly data. Instead, the development of this simulation is to showcase projected performance for the current day given hourly daily forecasts for a more personalized set of parameters.
There are considerations to also expand the Virtual House simulation to include water and carbon balances. Water consumption is also a resource typically measured and is commonly rated in green building assessments. Carbon balance typically refers to the carbon cycles related to carbon dioxide and monoxide. These values are typically measured for health and safety reasons and will affect the overall assessment of the design at the Solar Decathlon.
Sensor Project:
- MATLAB Projects,
- Sensor Projects

IoT based Smart Vehicle Automation and Control mutually Enhanced Safety, Security and Tracking System by Wireless Sensors Networks:
In this contemporary era transportation is becoming as a well-known of the important has a passion for of human. Though it has numerous crave, we face effect of setback in it which cost human life. This free of cost deals mutually problem which cause circumstances beyond one control and further to bind oneself safety. It deals mutually vibration sensor to notice the accident over this an alert announcement to the idol person which study GPS location.
A material involves to demonstrate the certainty of locked seat belt. And it further ensures the traveler is not gain drunken over the liquor sensor and a nearness sensor is deployed to shuffle the collision. Through this city worker safety is ensured over the automotive mechanism.
- Electrical Projects,
- Embedded Projects,
- Internet of Things (IoT), Security Projects,
- Sensor Projects, Wireless Projects
Intelligent Traffic Light and Density Control using IR Sensors and Microcontroller:
Nowadays congestion in traffic is a serious issue. The traffic congestion can also be caused by large red-light delays, etc. The delay of respective light is hard coded in the traffic light and it is not dependent on traffic. Therefore, for simulating and optimizing traffic control to better accommodate this increasing demand is arises.
In this paper we studied the optimization of traffic light controller in a city using microcontroller. Thus, I propose multiple traffic light control and monitoring system. The system tries to reduce possibilities of traffic jams, caused by traffic lights, to an extent. The system is based on microcontroller.
The microcontroller used in the system is 89V51RD2 which is MCS-51 family based. The system contains IR transmitter and IR receiver which are mounted on the either side of roads respectively. The IR system gets activated whenever any vehicle passes on road between IR transmitter and IR receiver.
Microcontroller controls the IR system and counts number of vehicles passing on road. Microcontroller also store vehicles count in its memory. Based on different vehicles count, the microcontroller takes decision and updates the traffic light delays as a result. The traffic light is situated at a certain distance from the IR system.
Thus based on vehicle count, microcontroller defines different ranges for traffic light delays and updates those accordingly. The system records vehicle count in its memory at user predefined recording interval on real time basis. This recorded vehicle count data can be used in future to analyze traffic condition at respective traffic lights connected to the system.
For appropriate analysis, the recorded data can be downloaded to the computer through communication between microcontroller and the computer. Administrator sitting on computer can command system (microcontroller) to download recorded data, update light delays, erase memory, etc.
Thus, administrator on a central station computer can access traffic conditions on any approachable traffic lights and nearby roads to reduce traffic congestions to an extent. In future this system can be used to inform people about different places traffic condition.
- Microcontroller Projects,
- Sensor Projects
A Digital Automatic Sliding Door with a Room Light Control System:
Automatic door is an automated movable barrier installed in the entry of a room or building to restrict access, provide ease of opening a door or provide visual privacy. As a result of enhanced civilization and modernization, the human nature demands more comfort to his life.
The man seeks ways to do things easily and which saves time. So thus, the automatic gates are one of the examples that human nature invent to bring comfort and ease in its daily life.
To this end, we model and design an automatic sliding door with a room light control system to provide the mentioned needs. This was achieved by considering some factors such as economy, availability of components and research materials, efficiency, compatibility and portability and also durability in the design process.
The performance of the system after test met design specifications. This system works on the principle of breaking an infrared beam of light, sensed by a photodiode. It consists of two transmitting infrared diodes and two receiving photo-diodes.
The first one is for someone coming in and the second one is for someone going out of the room. The photodiodes are connected to comparators, which give a lower output when the beam is broken and high output when transmitting normally. The general operation of the work and performance is dependent on the presence of an intruder entering through the door and how close he/she is in closer to the door.
The door is meant to open automatically but, in a case, where there is no power supply trying to force the door open would damage the mechanical control system of the unit. The overall work was implemented with a constructed work, tested working and perfectly functional.
- Energy Saving Projects,
- Sensor Projects
Conclusion: With Macro IoT Solution‘s “Top Sensor Project,” you’re not just embracing the future; you’re shaping it. Experience the unparalleled potential of sensor-driven insights, driving efficiency, and unlocking new possibilities in your industry.